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Share is an all volunteer organization. It takes over 1,000 volunteer hours per month to keep Share up and running!  We are always seeking volunteers who want to be involved on a regular basis or have special job skills.  Not sure about what volunteer position is right for you?   Please email and someone will contact you to discuss our current volunteer needs.  We hope you'll join our energetic and dedicated team. 



  • Food & Clothing Pantry

Organize and stock shelves, greet and assist shoppers on Wednesday, Thursday or Saturday mornings.  No application needed.  Go to 

Sign Up Genius to see available slots.  


  • Furniture Program 

Drivers and Helpers are needed to pick-up and deliver furniture on Saturdays Click here for

Sign Up Genius

We also need Furniture Schedulers who work from home to respond to pick-up and delivery requests.  Contact info@shareofmclean.orgfor more information.​


  • Donate Food

The pantry often runs low of items overlooked by donors: cooking oil, laundry detergent, canned fruit, white rice and more. To help us, please check our most needed item list  when selecting items to donate.

Want to donate food, but don’t have time to drop off items?   Purchase items through and leave the delivery to us! 




  • Teen After School Volunteers (Middle and High School)

As a warehouse assistant, duties may include sorting and date checking donations, organizing the food pantry and moving supplies to various rooms. Students may need to lift and carry medium weight boxes and bags. 

Click here for Sign Up Genius


  • Food & Clothing Pantry (Age 16+)

Organize and stock shelves, and assist shoppers on 

Wednesday, Thursday or Saturday mornings. 

Go to Sign Up Genius to see available slots for teens.  


  • Furniture Program

Helpers are needed to pick-up and deliver furniture on Saturdays.  Must be able to carry one end of sofa or dresser up several flights. 

Click here for Sign up Genius​



  • Host a Food Drive

Share is always looking for organizations to host food drives from March to September when our pantry shelves tend to be bare.​

For more information, please see How to Hold a Food Drive (PDF). 


  • Quarterly Gift Themes: Purchase special items not available on a regular basis. Click here for more information:  Gift Themes (PDF document)


  • Host a School Supplies Drive Purchase school supplies for students.  See attached document for more information. â€‹


  • Host a Winter Coat Drive

(September to February only)

Share needs gently used adult and children's coats, gloves, and scarves during the fall and winter months.  Please email

for more details.


Not sure about what volunteer position is right for you?   â€‹

We are always seeking volunteers who want to be involved on a regular basis or have special job skills.  Please email and someone will contact you to discuss our current volunteer needs.  




Envíenos un correo electrónico: 

Despensa de alimentos y sala de ropa:

Iglesia Bautista McLean

1367 Chain Bridge Road, McLean, VA 22101


Dirección de envio:  PO Box 210, McLean, VA  22101

Mailing Address: 

PO Box 210

McLean, VA 22101

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