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Upcoming Board and General Meetings

March 13, 2025. 7:30 to 9:00  
Location to be announced

Compartir reuniones de la junta


Share celebra reuniones de directorio una vez al mes para discutir las actividades de su programa y revisar su situación financiera.  También se celebran periódicamente juntas generales abiertas a todos.   


A continuación se muestran las actas de las reuniones mensuales hasta la fecha. 

Brief History of Share

1970s / 1980s
1990s to present

Established Share of McLean with an all-volunteer organization in September

Focused on food, clothing, furniture, and financial assistance

Opened food pantry every Wednesday morning and one Saturday a month

Supported 16 families with holiday gift baskets

Focused on assisting with affordable housing and understanding special needs of the senior population

Expanded furniture program with addition of two donated trucks

Added additional truck for food drives

Created Holiday Program

Added new programs for back-to-school supplies and refurbished computers

Coordinated Emergency Financial Assistance with Fairfax County Services

Opened food pantry every Wednesday and Saturday morning, and 1st and 3rd Thursday for over 55 senior population

1,000 volunteer hours per month supported 1,100 households with 3,000 members in 2023




Envíenos un correo electrónico: 

Despensa de alimentos y sala de ropa:

Iglesia Bautista McLean

1367 Chain Bridge Road, McLean, VA 22101


Dirección de envio:  PO Box 210, McLean, VA  22101

Mailing Address: 

PO Box 210

McLean, VA 22101

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