Our Volunteers in Action
SHARE has many generous donors and supporters in the McLean area. On this page, we want to highlight some of the special projects that groups and organizations have sponsored to help our neighbors in need. Please visit our Facebook page for many more examples of our community volunteers in action.
Please see our Fall 2024 Newsletter for stories featuring our many youth volunteers.
Holiday Gift Card Collection

The amazing students at Basis Independent School have outdone themselves this year, collecting over $1,800 in gift cards to donate to Share for the holidays! These thoughtful contributions will go a long way in supporting our neighbors in need. Thank you for your continued generosity and for thinking of Share once again.
Chesterbrook Elementary School

A warm thanks to Chesterbrook Elementary School for their generosity and community spirit! Their thoughtful donation of 160 essential winter items will help children in our community stay warm and cozy during the chilly months ahead.

A very heartfelt thank you to Vinson Hall Retirement Community for assembling over 70 gift bags filled with delightful toiletries and handmade items for our Share clients aged 55 and older! We greatly value our partnership with VHRC and look forward to many more years of collaboration.
Capital One Team Dental Kits

A huge thank you to the Capital One Marketing and Field Analytics team for their incredibly generous donation of 50+ dental and toiletry kits! We understand it was a great team building activity. Special thanks to Crystal for organizing the event.
Trinity United Methodist Church

Thanks to Trinity United Methodist Church for providing food treats and 134 gift bags for teens aged 13-18! These paired nicely with the Amazon wish list Jack created for children aged 1-12. As always, a warm thank you to all the volunteers who continue to make the Holiday Program a success!
Girl Scouts of McLean, Unit 50-6

Wow! A heartfelt thank you to the Girl Scouts of McLean – Service Unit 50-6, for purchasing and assembling over 60 dental kits for children and 50 toy gift bags! Your generosity and community spirit are truly admirable.
Holiday Treat Tables

This year’s Holiday Program features “treat tables” sponsored by generous individuals and groups. Our long-standing partners, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, provided this beautiful table. We are so grateful for all the support you provide to Share of McLean!
Cakes for Kids

Cake4Kids (www.cake4kids.org) treats bring joy to the children of our clients, making them feel extra special on their special days. Thank you for spreading happiness!
Back to School Supplies Distributed

The distribution of Back-to-School supplies ended just in time for school to start on Monday. Our long-term partners from the McLean Baptist Church provided food, music, and information about Free English classes and “Read me a Story” educational videos.
Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive

Many thanks to our local (22101) National Association of Letter Carriers for its annual Stamp Out Hunger. We appreciate your hard work and dedication to stamping out hunger in our community!
McLean Little League Team

A huge shoutout to the McLean Little League 11-Year-Old Softball All-Star Team! Thank you for helping our volunteers by shopping for food items, delivering them to Share, and restocking the pantry shelves. We love seeing the next generation so engaged in their community!
More than "A Simple Gesture"

Thank you, Temple Rodef Shalom members Marsha and Sandy, who started A Simple Gesture, a bi-monthly neighborhood collection program of non-perishable food and toiletries from 100+ local families.
Langley Students Dance for Share
Each year, the Langley High School Leadership Club and Student Government Association (SGA) select several charities for their donations. This year, the class unanimously voted to dedicate all the proceeds from a winter dance to Share. Share volunteers were surprised and delighted when we received their very generous donation.
Special thanks to Sandra Hamilton, Kiersten Conrad, Peyton Walcott and Brady Quinn for their efforts.
Feminine Products Drive

Share would like to thank Amelia Egan and the Girls’ Leadership Committee at McLean High School for hosting a feminine hygiene product drive recently. We are always in need of these supplies and your generous donation was much appreciated.
Power Packs for Kids
Thanks to Debra Brosius and Integrated Psychology Associates of McLean for their generous donation of Power Packs! Many local children have little to eat between their Friday lunch and Monday breakfast meals provided at school. Power Packs help ensure that kids don’t go hungry on weekends. Thanks for making a difference!

Spring Gift Bags Provide a Nice Surprise

We are grateful to our new partners at Christ Central Tysons for distributing generous toiletry gift bags for clients. The gift bags included shampoo, body wash, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, and shaving supplies. Also included were sandwiches, fruit, and pastries from Panera.
A special thanks to Theresa Nam and Euna Kang for organizing the project.